
my name is Eugene and this is my resume/cv

About Me

I am searching for advanced projects with cool people. I want to solve complex and important tasks using modern technologies. I prefer 60\40 balance on using of my hard and soft skills.

My personality

  • I always try to find out if I am really solving the task which needs to be solved. Sometimes it is better to solve completely different task... Or even not to solve it at all.
  • I am pretty good in architecture questions and planning, and I am responsible for deadlines.
  • I like educating juniors and spreading cool ideas and technologies between colleagues.
  • I like to study new things. You know, technology is evolving while you're reading this resume.


  • 2010

    Master Degree

    Master Degree in Intellectual Systems (Russian State University of Oil and Gas)

  • 2008

    Bachelor Degree

    Bachelor Degree (Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering)

  • 2004

    Graduated from school with profound study of English

    At school I took interest in studying Delphi and PHP and created my first programs and web sites.

  • 1988

    I was born in Moscow

Tests, examinations

  • 2014

    Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Professional

  • 2012

    Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Associate


Yandex Praktikum
Content Author
Here I write courses about web development and information security.
2020 - current
Senior Developer
In Yandex, the largest and the most famous Russian software company, I develop Yandex.Delivery and many internal products.

buzzwords: Node.JS, Nest.js, Postgres, MongoDB, ClickHouse, highload, kibana, grafana, docker, kubernetes.

We also use a lot of yandex's custom solutions which are not known outside yandex, so I don't mention them.
2017 - 2020
Tech Leader
In OneTwoTrip i worked to ensure both stable and bleeding edge technologies within one of the core teams which developed the most important part of company's software which communicated with all of world's global avia ticket distribution systems (GDS).

buzzwords: Node.JS, NoSQL, redis, highload, express, microservices, fastify.
Team Leader
In Pay-Me, I organized a completely new team for development and support of bank preprocessing software.

Personally I developed and supervised development of projects using Node.JS, PHP, Java (Android applications), C# (Windows PC and WinPhone), Redis and PostgreSQL.

buzzwords: Node.JS, Postgres, redis, C#, Java.
Moscow State Technical University (MAMI)
I gave lectures and workshops on the subject of DBMS and various themes - Information Security, Web design, Arduino and IOT. Also I helped students with their hardware and software projects. It's rather a hobby, not a job.
System Monitoring Institute
Web Developer / Team Leader / Oracle DBA
Here I took the responsibility for administrating of EIAS system ( analytical system, used by Russian federal tariff service).

While improving EIAS, I developed and debugged applications on Java, administrated several remote databases (including ones with data volume over 10 TB), studied and certified for Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Professional.

Besides works on EIAS, I have supervised a team (up to 4 developers), which was developing different mobile and web applications - including forest monitoring systems, community control systems and database updates system. For our projects, we used combinations of Java, Node.js, PHP, React, JQuery and Bootstrap.

Also here I have been developing applets on Java Web Start and mobile applications on Android.

buzzwords: Node.JS, Oracle, PHP, Java, C#.
Familia Media
Web Developer
I have been working on social network project and on a multimedia portal with WAP content. On those projects, I developed web services (PHP+MySQL) and created plugins for multimedia server Wowza Media Server Pro (on Java). It was my first experience working in a large team.
2004 - 2009
Web developer / PC Developer
During my study in the university, I worked here part time on many different projects. My responsibilities included:
  1. Developing web system of reader account control for Russian State Historical Library
  2. Web development - for example, http://kniginina.ru/
  3. Web server configuring and support
  4. Developing applications for transferring rare and old books to electronic format. In particular - developing interface for camera on C++
  5. Porting desktop version of the encyclopedia "Moscow Through the Ages" to web.

Some of my projects

I like teaching students cutting edge technologies, so I prepared a special exam after six months of studies. Students had to hack specially designed website to get award points in our improvised bug bounty program and pass exam.

Android application which uses Google Compression Proxy and Tor to avoid blocking of rutracker.org. It was fun to reverse engineer Google Compression Proxy protocol and update abandoned Tor Android project.

Used: Java, Android, Google Compression Proxy, Tor.
CO2 sensor, combined with Arduino-like microcontroller Wemos D1. It can measure air quality and send it to remote server which displays statistic and graphics.

Used: PHP, MySQL, JQuery, Bootstrap, C++, Arduino.


Moscow, Russia
+7916 796 49 85




Oracle, Postgres, MySql, any other RDBMS
Node.js (backend)
DevOps skills
Java (Android)
C++ (arduino and crypto)



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